Tour Operators
Planning tours that minimize environmental impacts.


Effectively integrating sustainability into the tour operators' business means considering environmental, social and economic aspects throughout the process of developing a holiday package.

The key operating areas where tour operators can integrate sustainability practices are:

- Internal management, by taking into account sustainability principles in the management of human resources, office supplies and production of printed materials.

- Product development and management, by planning tours and selecting holiday package components that minimize environmental, economic and social impacts.

- Contracting with suppliers, by integrating sustainability principles into the selection criteria and service agreements of suppliers.

- Customer relations, by guaranteeing privacy, health and safety standards, and providing customers with information on responsible behavior and sustainability issues at their destinations.

- Relations with destinations, by supporting destination stakeholders' efforts to address sustainability issues.

Responses by individual tour operators in each of these areas vary considerably, influenced by their size, type of holiday packages offered and destinations served.

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