Smart Voyager
Chemical use is reduced to a minimum or eliminated..

Rainforest Alliance Certified Prod.

Banana production covers 12 million acres in Central & South America. This industry employs more than 10 million people in the region and many more depend indirectly on banana exports. Banana production has historically been associated with high agrochemical use, poor worker conditions and environmental degradation. Banana certification ensures that forests are protected, workers are treated with dignity and provided basic services, and chemical use is reduced to a minimum or eliminated.

The Favorite Fruit Company (Also known as ReyBanPac & Wong Group and sold under the label of Chiquita), aware of the importance of environmental protection within their agriculture practices, began a program of reforestation in 1994 in conjunction with a Rainforest Alliance/ C&D certification program. All of the new farms, which totaled 1,500 hectares, entered into a program of Rainforest Alliance certification.

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