Wildlife Observation

Ecuador and its distinctive regions is home to one of the richest biodiversities in South America and its many national parks and natural reserves allow visitors to discover an abundant wildlife and learn about its preservation process. Wherever you travel within the country, you get the opportunity to observe wild species in their natural ecosystems, from reptiles to birds, insects and mammals.

Exploring the Amazon is a thrilling experience by itself. Its dense jungle is home to a unique wildlife, and many different species populate the brown waters of its rivers. Hiking through the rainforest, you might come across reptiles and wild animals such as anacondas, jaguars, anteaters and the biggest terrestrial mammals in Ecuador, the tapir. Up in the canopy trees, monkey and bird species bring the thick rainforest to life with their mysterious sounds. While canoeing up the river streams, the endangered river dolphin might show up discreetly, while piranhas, catfish and eels go on with their daily routine. At night, shiny alligator’s eyes might be staring at you from the surrounding river banks.

On the other side of Ecuador, the renowned Galapagos Islands are home to many endemic species and its wildlife will amaze every traveler. On the islands, reptiles such as the Galapagos tortoises and iguana species can be observed in their natural habitats. Sea lions, rays, marine turtles, shark, dolphins and numerous fish species populate the ocean rich waters all year around, offering scuba divers and snorkelers exceptional conditions in a protected environment. Birds such as boobies, cormorants, albatrosses and Galapagos penguins are amongst the impressive variety of bird species that live on these volcanic islands.

On the Pacific coastline, a similar wildlife can be observed, especially around the Isla de la Plata, where humpback whales come each year to mate and give birth during the months of June to September. Inland, the Churute National Reserve is home to no less than five different ecosystems, and more than 260 bird species have been reported within its limits.

Tucked between the Amazon and the Pacific Coast, the Andes Mountains are home to many protected species such as the Andean fox and condor. Hummingbirds, toucans and numerous other bird species fill the misty cloud forests, making it a true delight for every passionate bird watcher. National Parks such as Cotopaxi, Cajas and Chimborazo offer perfect opportunities to spot birds and wild animals in their natural vast and rough landscapes.

Many wild animals in Ecuador are unfortunately listed as endangered species, such as the river dolphin in the Amazon, the condor in the Andes, and the humpback whale on the coast. National parks all over the country and conservation initiatives contribute to the preservation of those species, and if visitors still can enjoy the wildlife diversity that Ecuador offers, it is mainly thanks to the numerous efforts being made to protect it. More than a discovery experience, wildlife observation is a learning journey destined to awaken every traveler’s respect for nature’s heritage, so that he/she can appreciate and preserve its biodiversity for the future generations.

Galapagos reptiles and mammals:
- Galapagos Land Iguana 
- Giant Tortoise 
- Lava Lizard 
- Galapagos Bat
- Galapagos Sea Lions 
- Santa Fe Land Iguana
- Marine Iguana
- Pacific Green Sea Turtle
- Hoary Bat
- Galapagos Fur Seal

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