Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Program
SmartVoyager standards were designed in collaboration with scientists, conservation experts and tour operators, and cover a host of environmental and social concerns. In December 2000, SmartVoyager evaluated and certified five of large tour vessels that travel through the Galápagos Islands. SmartVoyager also began certifying hotels on the Ecuadorian mainland.
In the year 2002, SmartVoyager was recognized by UNESCO, as an example that should be implemented in all of the natural patrimonies of humanity.
SmartVoyager considers rigorous environmental, social and security norms, that, when completed, guarantee a decrease in the environmental impacts that a tourist operation may generate, ensuring direct benefits to the local population and an active participation by the tourist in the conservation of natural resources.
SmartVoyager certification improves the quality of life for local residents, reduces the ecological impacts of tourism, gives tour operators a way to directly contribute to the local economy and to the environment, and offers travelers a chance to help people and wildlife while visiting natural treasures.
SmartVoyager Tierra: SmartVoyager has expanded to include hotels and tourist operations throughout Latin America. The goal of SmartVoyager is to reach tourism operations of all sizes from large chains in major cities to eco-lodges in remote mountain villages. Through training programs and materials, SmartVoyager, in collaboration with the Rainforest Alliance, educates tourism operators in how to reduce the negative environmental impact of their business and provide support for local communities.